5/18/2020 sonia calico- 創造音樂與科技對話之DJ
Sonia is a talented and creative DJ, she was a member of a Taiwanese indie band "Go Chic"
and they have one song worked with Canadian singer Peaches before. Now she's a DJ, and she tours in all over the world, she's one of the most important musician in Taiwan's electronic scene. She's also a music producer and founder of music label "UnderU" You could see her performances through Boiler Room, Sonar Hong Kong and different music festivals in Europe. She combines the Pop Chinese Music with different western music styles such as Bass, Hiphop, Drum beats. Recently she also works with technology artists to create the visual arts and puts into her music. She's full of creativity. Sonia是位極具才華與創意的DJ,早期曾是台灣獨立樂團Go Chic成員 並曾與加拿大創作歌手Peaches合作。 現階段則為DJ創作者,經常在世界各地巡迴演出,是台灣電子音樂場景重要推廣者之一。 除了DJ身份外,也是音樂製作人及音樂廠牌“UnderU”創辦人之一。 在Boiler Room Taipei, Sonar Hong Kong, 歐洲各大音樂場景都能看見她的身影 在她的音樂中也能時常聽見華語流行音樂的元素,近期融合科技藝術創造不同音樂對話, 集結東西方文化於一身,創意十足!
Q1: Please introduce yourself shortly, and tell us what are you doing in your life now?
I'm a electronic music producer and DJ from Taipei, also with my own music label " UnderU" to release music and throw some events irregularly. 請簡單介紹一下你自己以及你目前在做的事情。 我是來自台北的電子音樂製作人/ DJ,有自己的音樂廠牌UnderU不定期發行歌曲與舉辦活動。 Q2: What makes you become a DJ? I like the magician of music, it can make people dance. I went to a lot of parties, then I started to be a DJ by myself. 當初為什麼會想開始從事DJ創作? 喜歡音樂可以讓人跳舞的魔力,一開始去很多派對,後來就開始自己DJ。 Q3: When you do the tour in different places, what do you think that it influences your shows and creations in different places? So far where is your favorite city to do the show? Why? Every time when I went to different places, I always met different people. I'm very happy that people who are in music industries always welcome to make connections with passions no matter with music or art. I'm usually inspired from those people, being a creator should keep experiencing new things and feeling it, then you could keep your ideas all the time. It's hard for me to pick one of my favorite city, each one of it is with very different people and fresh things. They are all unique for me. It might happens that even I've been to the same city many times but the experiences are very different every single time. 在各地巡迴的表演經驗中,你認爲不同環境對創作及表演有什麼影響? 目前為止最喜歡的演出城市是哪裡?為什麼? 每次去不同的地方都會認識不一樣的人,很高興因為在音樂圈大部分的人都很樂於交流不管是對音樂或是藝術的熱情, 從這些人的身上我也常常被啟發,身為創作者就是需要源源不絕的新體驗與體會才能維持不斷的靈感。 很難選一個最喜歡演出的城市,每個地方都有不一樣的人新鮮的事,他們對我來說都是單獨的個體, 也可能同個城市去了好幾次但每次經驗都很不一樣。 Q4:Please share one of the most challenge or interesting experience in your creations or shows with us. I would say that creating my own music is the most challenge part so it's very interesting every time. Now I'm working on my new album, I want to use the concepts to finish each song, I feel it's not that easy and I'm overthinking very often so I get stuck there. To be with strong messages and accurate groove is my lesson for now. 在你的創作或演出經驗中,請分享一次最有挑戰或最有趣的經驗。 我會說每次創作 “自己的音樂” 都是具挑戰所以才有趣。 目前我正在籌備我的新專輯,想要用概念出發去完成每一首歌,覺得非常不容易也常常想太多就卡關, 要有強烈的訊息與精確的groove是我目前的課題。 Q5: In your performance recently we could see that you also crossover with people in different fields such as technology arts and visual arts, can you tell us how those crossover projects happened? Sometimes it might be kind of abstract with no lyrics electronic music, and I've been attracted to many visual arts all the time, so I want to put the music and visual art together naturally. I'm very glad that I know many visual artists with same vibes to work on the art and create something we want to show it. 近期在你的演出中能看見你也參與了不同跨界演出(像是加入視覺藝術),可以跟我們聊聊這些合作是如何誕生的嗎? 無歌詞的電子音樂畢竟有時候可能會有點抽象,再加上一直一來都被很多視覺藝術的創作吸引, 所以自然而就會想要把音樂跟視覺創作的想法結合在一起。 很慶幸一路上也認識了很多志同道合的視覺藝術家一起合作形塑我們想要呈現的美學。 Q6: What's your inspiration in your life? What would you do when you don't have the inspiration? For the music part, my inspirations are from the music I've heard. For the idea part, it comes from all the life experiences, the books I read, the exhibitions, the movies, the friends surrounding me. When I don't have any inspiration I won't do anything. I'll hang out with my friends such as drinking or going for a trip. 你生活中的創作靈感來源是什麼?在沒有靈感時會做什麼事? 音樂的部分靈感來源很多時候是聽到的音樂,想法的部分則是各式各樣的生活經歷,看的書、展覽、電影、身邊的朋友....。 沒靈感的時候我就什麼都不做,跟朋友打混喝酒或是去郊遊。 Q7: Who do you want to collaborate with if you could? Why? And what kind of project? Recently I think the coolest person is Tang Feng. If I could crossover with her, I would think seriously about some technology art projects or AI arts. But she's a politician now. If there's any project could help people who are in Taiwan, I would like to be one part of it, too. 如果可以的話你最想和誰合作?(不限領域與知名度)為什麼?想做什麼合作計畫? 最近覺得最酷的人是唐鳳。如果要跟她合作我要來認真想一些科技藝術類的創作計畫,或是某種AI學習相關的藝術作品吧,不過她現在是政務官。 如果有什麼可以幫助在台灣這塊土地上的人的project能讓我加入我也會很樂意。 Q8:Who influences you the most? Why? I feel like there are different people who influence me in the different time of my life, especially when I was young. But recently it becomes less even no. I would say that few years ago, when I stopped my band and decided to work on solo project, my good friends Howie Lee and Veeky that time gave me many supports and ideas. The music productive skills and some attitudes of life from Howie Lee influenced me very deep during that time. 影響你最深的人或創作者是誰?為什麼? 我覺得每個時期都有影響我很深的人,特別是年輕的時候。最近倒是越來越沒有了。 但我會說幾年前那時我樂團正好休止,開始決定要往solo project的方向前進時, 當時的好朋友Howie Lee以及Veeky給了我很多支持與想法, Howie Lee的音樂製作技術還有些對待生活環境的態度,深深地影響當時的我。 Q9: What's your plans or dreams in the future? Please say something to people who also chase their dreams now. My future plan is keeping creating things no matter it's music or any kind of materials. I think it's a very good thing to create works and express, share the things which are important for me to the people who appreciate it. And...Believe yourself. 未來有什麼計畫或夢想呢?請對那些追求自己目標的人說一句話。 未來計畫就是繼續創作,不管是音樂或是各種複合式的媒材。 我覺得創作作品然後傳達、分享自己覺得重要的東西給願意欣賞的人是很棒的事情。 “就... 相信自己吧。”