6/23/2020 Josh Berkeley - 觸動人心的靈魂之聲
The first time I heard of his music, I thought he's from 90's.
His voice is so tender and soft, with his romantic melodies it makes people feel relaxed. From Grenada, Josh Berkeley bases on the United States now to chase his music career. He has released two albums and few EPs so far. He has a very unique voice and when he covers Zayn's Pillow Talk, it's so melty. His full emotions and the way he sings makes the song with strong feelings. Recently he created a song called "Black Skin" which was inspired by Floyd's news, talking about the conflict and racial problems of being black people, the slow peaceful melody and the powerful lyrics is very touched. 初次聽見Josh Berkeley的聲音會以為他來自90年代,輕盈溫柔的嗓音與動人心弦的R&B旋律讓人十分放鬆。 來自加勒比海的Grenada,目前定居於美國,發行過兩張專輯。 一開始在Youtube聽到他翻唱Zayn的Pillow Talk全身起雞皮疙瘩 感覺這首歌完全變成他自己的主打歌,豐富的情緒與獨特唱腔大概是最佳詮釋。 近期創作了一首因應Black Lives Matter的單曲“Black Skin",曲中描述身為黑人身份的衝突與呼應Floyd事件 緩慢平和的旋律與現實緊扣的歌詞十分感動人心。 Q1: Please introduce yourself shortly, and tell us what are you doing in your life now? My name is Josh Berkeley; I am a musical artist and singer-songwriter. I was born and raised in Grenada and currently live in the US where I am pursuing my musical career. 請簡單介紹一下你自己以及你目前在做的事情。 我是Josh Berkeley, 一位音樂家及創作歌手。 我在Grenada出生長大,近期在美國居住追求我的音樂職涯。 Q2: Where are you from? Tell us about your background. Do you think different places influenced you in a different way when you create your music? How so? Like being in NYC and different cities, how does it influence you? I was born and raised in Grenada, a beautiful tri-island state in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies. Grenada to me was a melting pot for different genres of music, from Calypso to Soca to Dancehall and of course american genres; R&B/Soul and Pop etc. I consider myself to have a broad musical palate and credit Grenada for it. So yes,a person’s artistic identity can be shaped by their upbringing. 你的背景來自哪裡?告訴我們你的文化。 你覺得不同地方是如何以不同方式影響你的創作?像是如何? 舉例來說你在紐約和不同城市生活時他們是如何影響你的? 我在Grenada出生長大,一個座落於West Indies的Lesser Antilles的美麗群島之一。 Grenada對我而言是一個不同音樂的文化熔爐,從Calypso到Soca再到Dancehall,當然還有美國的音樂曲風R&B靈魂樂跟流行音樂......等等。 我認為我自己擁有豐富的音樂基底以及象徵Greneda的精神。所以一個人的藝術性格的確是被從小教養的環境所塑造的。 Q3: When did you start your music career? Why did you want to be a singer at first? And why RnB? Have you written any music for other people? I wrote my first song at 15, but didn’t take music seriously until I turned 18. As for singing: I’m not sure at what age I started, I believe I was born a singer. R&B is my preferred genre because it draws elements from jazz, gospel, blues and soul. It is a genre with a very wide spectrum; there’s so much you can do once you know what you’re doing. I have written songs for my creative friends but no big artists as yet. 你是從什麼時候開始音樂職涯的?為什麼你會想要成為一名R&B歌手? 你曾經為別人寫過音樂嗎? 我在15歲時寫了自己的第一首歌,但是直到18歲前我都沒有太認真看待音樂。我不是很確定我在什麼時候開啟歌唱生涯,但我相信我一出生就註定要成為歌手。R&B是我喜愛的音樂曲風因為它有爵士音樂,福音,藍調跟靈魂樂的元素。它是一個非常廣泛的範圍,它有很多發揮的機會,一旦你了解你在做什麼。我曾經為我的創意朋友們寫過歌曲,但還未幫知名的音樂家創作歌曲。 Q4: I noticed that you always work with different artists as well, like photographers and videographers, how did you find those people? And what do you think about working with different people? Please share one of the most interesting experiences you had with us. I actually have a small circle of creative friends/partners that I work with, some I met via social media and others through mutual friends. I’m never really excited to work with new people per se, I do however get excited with finding people that I have creative chemistry with. 我注意到你總是跟不同藝術家合作,像是攝影師或導演,你是如何找到這些人? 以及當你與不同人合作時,你有什麼想法?請跟我們分享一次你認為最有趣的經驗。 其實我只有一點點富有創意的朋友或夥伴可以合作,有些人是透過社交媒體或朋友的朋友認識的。 我從未真的很興奮與不同新合作對象工作,但是我當然還是對於找到有化學反應的人合作非常開心。 Q5: How do you create your music? Where is your inspiration from? If you are out of inspiration, what would you do? My creative process sometimes varies. Inspiration is everywhere, it may come from a lyric, a picture, a memory, a conversation with a friend or a certain smell. It can come from anything. I just take a break and live my life when I'm out of inspiration. It will always come when you live your life. 你是如何創作你的音樂?你的靈感來自於哪裡? 當你沒有靈感時,你會怎麼做? 我的創意過程有時候十分不同。 靈感可以來自任何地方,或許是從一首歌的歌詞,一段記憶,一段跟朋友的對話或特別氣味。它可以是來自任何事情的。 當我沒有靈感時我就休息或過自己的生活。靈感總是會在過日子時降臨。 Q6:Could you share one of your favorite songs from your music and tell us the story behind it? Currently, Black Skin has to be my favorite song that I have worked on. It tells a story of racial injustice, where the author is a victim of police brutality. The use of the popularized phrase “I can’t breathe” is also mentioned in the song, to allow the listener to experience the author’s pain. 可以請你跟我們分享你最喜歡自己的哪一首歌嗎?以及其背後的故事。 最近我創作的”Black Skin“是我最喜歡的一首歌。這首歌在談論種族正義的故事,著作是一位警察霸權下的犧牲者。 近期大肆被使用的單字”I can't breathe"(我不能呼吸)也在這首歌中不斷被提起,提醒聽到這首歌的人也能感受到當時這位犧牲者的痛苦。 Lyric 歌詞: Is there a price to pay for my black skin 是否有任何代價為我的黑色肌膚 It feels like a crime for bearing this black skin 我感覺像是個罪犯只因為乘載著這副黑色肌膚 There’s hate in your DNA for my black skin 在你的基因裡對我的黑色肌膚充滿恨意 Cause I can’t breathe 因為我無法呼吸 But you don’t care 但是你毫不在意 I’m trying to speak 我試著說話 But my lungs are caving in 但是我的肺塌陷了 It’s hard to breathe 很難呼吸 Still you don’t care 你依然不在意 I’m trying to speak 我試著說話 But my lungs are caving in 但是我的肺塌陷了 You take my life but not my soul 你可以奪走我的生命但不能奪走我的靈魂 Steal my breath but not my voice 你可以奪走我的呼吸但不能奪走我的聲音 My mama cry, my daddy cry 我的媽媽在哭,我的爸爸在哭 My brother loads up the clip to ride 我的兄弟將手槍上檔準備開火 My sister cry while she hugs him tight 我的姐妹在哭當她緊抱他時 Said “you ain’t leaving” 說著:你尚未離去 I can’t breathe 我無法呼吸 But you don’t care 但是你毫不在意 I wanna scream out loud 我想要吶喊出聲 But my lungs are caving in 但是我的肺塌陷了 It’s hard to breathe 它很難呼吸 But you don’t care 但是你毫不在意 I wanna scream 我想要吶喊 But my lungs are caving in 但是我的肺塌陷了 Strange fruit don’t hang from trees no more 奇特的果實不再於樹上懸掛著 No longer bound to the 勢必不再掉入 Forrest 森林裡 (取自於Billie Holiday和Nina Simone歌曲"Strange Fruit"意指黑人被吊死在樹上) Ooh ohh ooo 喔喔喔~~~ Ooh ooh ooo ooo 喔喔喔喔~~~~ I wanna breathe 我想要呼吸 Can somebody help 有誰可以幫忙我 It’s hard to speak 我很難說話 With a knee on my neck 當有副膝蓋跪在我的脖子上 I can’t breathe 我再也不能呼吸 Breathe 呼吸... Breathe 呼吸... Breathe 呼吸... Breathe 呼吸... Breathe 呼吸...
Q7: If you can collaborate with different artists, who would be that person? Why? And what do you want to do with the person?
I would love to make a song with Maxwell or Lucky Daye. 如果你可以跟不同人合作,你想跟誰合作? 我十分想跟Maxwell或是Lucky Daye創作一首歌。 Q8: Please share one of your pictures with us, the most special one or interesting one you love, what’s the story behind it? This is my favourite photo so far. It also is the cover of my most recent ep ‘Sunday Morning.’ It was shot on a rooftop of an apartment building in Brooklyn NY, by one of my favourite photographers and creatives Dex. R. Jones. This is my favourite because it was my most creative photoshoot to date. 請跟我們分享一張你最喜歡的照片,最特別的或是最有趣的,以及拍攝背後的故事。 這張是我目前最喜歡的照片,同時也是我近期的EP ”Sunday Morning"封面。 這是在紐約布魯克林的一棟公寓屋頂上拍攝的,由我最喜歡的創意攝影師Dex. R. Jones 所創作。 之所以成為我最喜歡的照片是因為這是我理想中最有創意的一次拍攝經驗。 Q9: Who inspires you the most so far in your life? Why? The person who inspires me most is myself, I firmly believe that we should all look inward for true inspiration. 目前誰在你的人生中影響你最深?為什麼? 我覺得影響我最深的就是我自己,我深信我們應該都向自己內心真誠的啟發看齊。 Q10: What’s your new plan in the future(Near future)? Please use one sentence or more to encourage people who’re chasing their dreams right now. My plan for music is simply to keep being productive and authentic. What I would say to anyone pursuing their dreams is that it's okay to take a break and de-stress. Mental health should always come before a goal. 你近期的最新計畫是什麼? 請對所有在追求自己夢想的人說一句話。 我最近對於音樂的計畫就是持續保有創作力及熱忱。 而我想對每個在追求夢想的人說:短暫休息及放鬆是OK的。 心靈健康永遠應該被放在目標前面。 |