5/11/2020 Fabio River -台北與西班牙設計指南來自西班牙的Fabio擁有多重身份,平面設計師、雜誌出版者與DJ 曾在不同國家定居生活的他,目前在臺北落腳,愛上這座城市。 長期從事平面設計,決定自己出版一份獨立刊物與網站”River Taipei"介紹台北街頭的創意與設計。 並不時策劃西班牙設計師的展覽,將家鄉的文化注入這座城市。 近期也成立了自己的派對組織“Hidden Floor"不定期在台北各處舉辦音樂活動。 Q1: Please introduce yourself shortly, and tell us what are you doing in your life now? My name is Fabio I’m a graphic designer, promoter and Dj , based in Taipei right now while carrying different projects including a magazine called River Taipei, a design studio called Museo and a monthly House and Techno party called Hidden Floor. 請與我們介紹一下你自己,告訴我們你最近在做什麼。 我是Fabio, 一位平面設計師,活動推廣者以及DJ。 目前在台北定居,推廣不同計畫像是雜誌”River Taipei", 以及自己的設計工作室“Museo"還有每個月不定舉辦的Techno/House派對活動”Hidden Floor"。 Q2: Where are you from? What makes you move to Taipei? And do you think different places influenced you in a different way when you create your work? How so? I ́m from Canary Islands a group of islands on the south of Spain. After 4 years living in Barcelona and later 6 years living in London U.K. I decide to left everything behind and explore Asia a bit more. I visited Taiwan and in the first week here I already decided to stay. All this cities and experiences have definitely take a big influence on my work and the way I cope with life. 你從哪裡來的?是什麼原因讓你想搬到台北居住? 你覺得生活在不同地方這件事是如何以不同方式影響你創作你的作品?又是為什麼呢? 我來自西班牙南方的群島之一 : Canary Islands,曾在巴賽隆納住過4年,也在倫敦待過6年,我決定拋下一切前往亞洲探索更多。 我曾經在第一週造訪過台灣,然後我就決定在此居住。 所有待過的城市與經驗絕對都對我的創作有極大影響以及我應付生活的方式。 Q3: When did you start your Graphic Designer career? Why you wanted to make it at the first? Also now you are a DJ as well, what makes you want to be a DJ? And how do you balance the different identity? Back in 2005 I studied graphic design in Barcelona. As a teenager I was really into graffiti and design was a more professional extension of it. I didn’t work as a designer until I arrived to London. The Dj thing, to be honest I never wanted to be a Dj, I started more in the business side of the industry organizing little events. After the first two events I felt forced to learn how to Dj so I can understand more the work of the people I was bringing to play. Once I learnt how to do it I discovered that working with music can make you express feelings that are difficult to share just with visual work. 你是從什麼時候開始平面設計師生涯的?為什麼你一開始會想從事平面設計? 而你現在同時身為一位DJ,又是什麼讓你想成為DJ呢? 你是如何平衡不同角色身份? 2005年我在巴賽隆納就讀平面設計,在年輕時我真的對於塗鴉與設計非常有熱忱並想更專精於此。 在移居至倫敦之前我並沒有從事相關工作。關於DJ,我則是從未想過要成為一位DJ。我是一開始在工作上從事策劃相關小型活動,兩年過後我覺得如果自己懂得DJ相關知識,我可以在與相關人士工作時瞭解更多,像是他們如何作業。當我開始學習如何DJ後,我發現創造音樂能夠表達你的感受,這部分在視覺藝術上是比較難到達的層面。 Q4: How do you create your work? Where is your inspiration from? If you don’t have any inspiration, what would you do? Inspiration is always there, anything can spark the flame to start the fire. I am easy attracted to the rare and different, contemporary art is one of my favorite sources of inspiration, Paul McCarthy, Katharina Grosse or Synchrodogs are some of my favorites. I also believe is very powerful to switch from one field to another and mix inspirations. Sometimes the minimal movement of architecture can give you ideas for a food packaging or maybe the goth lettering of dark metal can be use for graffiti in the streets. 你是如何創作你的作品?你的靈感從何而來? 當你沒有靈感時,你會做什麼? 靈感到處都是,任何小事都可以點燃成為豐富靈感。我非常容易被不同當代藝術吸引,這是我最喜歡的靈感來源。 Paul McCarthy, Katharina Grosse 或是 Synchrodogs是我的最愛。 我同時相信從不同領域切換是非常有力的綜合靈感來源。 有時極簡的建築物可以帶給你點子,或是食物包裝,甚至哥德式字體的黑暗元素可以被用在街頭塗鴉上。 Q5: If you can collaborate with one person, who would be that person? Why? Anybody or anything completely different of what I do could be a good collaboration. I‘m always open to discover new fields. 如果你可以與任何人合作,誰會是你想合作的對象?為什麼? 任何人或任何事與我在從事的內容不同都會是個好的合作機會,我一直都對於探索新的領域保持開放態度。 Q6: Who inspires you the most so far in your life? Why? Family and friends are always there to support and this is very important, but I get inspire a lot by people I don’t personally know. Random people who pass near you in a moment of your life and you watch a situation. Is a good way to experience something without getting fully involve. A quick way to learn. 在你人生中誰影響你最深?為什麼? 家人和朋友們的支持永遠非常重要,但是我從不認識的人身上得到的靈感最深。 在你生活的某一刻及狀況隨意在你身邊出現的人們,不完全介入你的世界,是一個很好體驗一些事情的方式,這是一個很快的學習方法。 Q7: What’s your new plan in the future(Near future)? Right now all future plans are very uncertain, but all my plans have been uncertain since the beginning, so not clear plans for a near future. Trying to get better and different in everything I’m working right now and keep learning. 你近期的新計畫是什麼? 目前所有計劃都非常不確定,但是我所有的計劃在一開始都是不確定的,所以沒有任何近期計畫。 試著增進與變化不同我在做的事情以及持續學習。
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