5/27/2020 Juby Chiu - 舞動衣裳的服裝設計師Juby is a smart and curious girl, when I first met her, I was impressed by her full creative imaginations. Every time I always can get different ideas from our conversations. She's graduating from the fashion design department of Shih Chien University, she's been to Europe and Australia to different residency projects. Recently she also starts to work with contemporary dancing groups, experimental theatre and different traditional Taiwanese cultural spots. In her designing pieces, you could see that clothes is not just a 2D cold piece, it's also the conversation between the environments and human beings. Since building her own brand "Juby Chiu studio" from 2010, she's challenged herself and broke the rules in different fields. " Fashion design as for me, is an abstract language to express what I meant. More practically, it's an expression of the internal itself. The essence comes from the internal. It's not only fiber, but also an language between body and soul. " Juby是位古靈精怪的女生,第一次看到她對她豐富充滿創意的想像力印象深刻,每次與她的對話中總是能創造不同點子。 畢業於實踐大學服裝設計系,曾在歐洲各地遊走,並於澳洲駐村過。 近期更與舞團,實驗劇場,各樣台灣傳統文化跨界合作。 在她的創作中衣服並不只是件平面作品,更是與環境和人物的對話互動。 2010年創立同名品牌JUBY CHIU至今,她都不斷挑戰自己,打破各種領域的規則。 創作語彙圍繞在「它是纖維更是靈魂對肉體的一種語言」,將生活經驗感官內化後再焠鍊出無限的可能。 Q1: Please introduce yourself shortly, and tell us what are you doing in your life now? I want to define myself as a person who's keeping doing things, not just a fashion designer or creator. Most of time I hope that I'm on the road to practice myself and others' dreams. If I'm gonna define what I'm doing now, I would say that I am a person who take care of myself and other people's bodies, clothes is not just for outlook, it should be from inside to outside. 請簡單介紹一下你的過往工作經驗以及你目前在做的事情。 我想把自己定義為一個持續在做的人,而不是單純只是一位服裝設計師或是創作者,更多時候我希望自己在每一個實踐自己與他人的路上。 如果要定義自己目前在做的事,會稱自己為一個照顧自己身體與照顧別人身體的人,服裝不單純只是穿在外表非常漂亮而是由內而外的。 Q2: What makes you to become a fashion designer? My mom was an art teacher when I was young, I often watched all the kids creating something to grow out of nothing, it's pretty attractive. I remember that there's one student who's deaf but her art always amazed us. Probably I was from this background, so I have been to attracted by art since I was a kid. The reason why I started to be a fashion designer was because of the college I went (Shih Chien University). 當初為什麼會想開始服裝設計創作? 小時候母親是美術老師,常常會看著每一位小朋友從無到有的過程非常迷人。 印象有一位聽障生她的作品總是特別令人驚艷,可能是這樣的背景,從小就對美這件事情特別著迷。 服裝設計的緣分應該來自於實踐大學。 Q3: You've been to different places to do the artist residency, how do you think about that you are influenced by different environments in different ways? Please share some impressive experiences you had with us. The first time was at Golden Museum where nears Jiufen and Jinguashi, it's very beautiful there. I've lived there for one year and a little bit more, each time was about six months, and I stayed there three times totally. One time I was with Zheng Chouyu's brother, the second time I was by myself, the third time I invited my best friends "Swing Girls" and an illustrator PHOEBE. All of these three times made me learn a lot and grow a lot in my life, it taught me how to see things from inside. The Second time was an international artist residency project by Ministry of Culture, I appreciate that they gave me this chance, it brought me to Sydney as a visual artist even I'm a fashion designer. It's a great but nervous experience, because it's the year my body healthy started to change, I woke up in the midnight all the time due to hypoglycaemia but I couldn't figure out the way to solve the problems. Now I think I was pretty courageous. The third time was in Tainan after I came back from Sydney, Australia. Thanks for Lavender Cottage providing me this opportunity to residence in Roots In. Without MIL, I wouldn't be able to learn how to live my life and forget who I am as a fashion designer to live with people for real. During these times, I met people traveled from everywhere in Taiwan at workshops, shared hand made works and chatted with each other, it's a healing process for each other. I also became a good friend with a Bohemia granny from Guohua Theater's eldest wife in Tainan, and I invited her to be my model. This collaboration also made her and her husband to be the cover of Taiwan Panorama magazine. It made me very proud and happy. The fourth time was in Walkingbook bookstore with STUPIN, I met an artist Lai Su Ching and one of my classmate in Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School. LIZ also invited her to be one part of Taipei Fashion Week show, this opportunity made me learn to communicate with different artists and work with them. 曾經在各地駐村的經驗中,你認爲不同環境對創作有什麼影響? 請與我們分享印象深刻的駐村經驗! 第一次的駐村經驗是在黃金博物館。一個靠近九份與金瓜石的地方,那裏非常漂亮。我在那生活整整超過一年再多一點,每一次駐村的時間是半年左右的時間,我總共駐村了三次,一次是自己跟鄭愁予的哥哥一位名叫鄭老師的長輩,第二次是自己一個人,第三次是邀請自己最要好的姊妹搖擺少女以及PHOEBE插畫藝術家。這三個階段現在回想請來對我的人生都充滿非常多的學習與成長,它讓我學會如何更往內看。 第二次就是文化部的國際駐村。很謝謝文化部給我這個機會,讓一般被定義為時尚的服裝設計也可以以視覺藝術的身分前往雪梨駐村,那是一個很棒卻也很緊張的經驗,因為那是我身體開始改變的一年,往往在睡覺睡到一半會低血糖起來卻找不到任何可以解決的方法,現在想想那時候的膽子真大。 第三次是雪梨駐村回來到台南生活一百天。很感謝薰衣草森林給了我這次駐村在緩慢文旅的機會,如果沒有MIL就沒有這麼棒的機會讓我學會如何生活以及撇開自己是服裝設計師這個表面的身分,真正跟人生活在一起。駐村期間我也開始從工作坊遇到來自台灣世界各地的旅人,分享手作與聊天的過程,是一個彼此療癒的過程。也跟一位來自台南前國華戲院長媳的波西米亞阿嬤成為了好朋友,並邀請她來當我的麻豆。這個合作還讓八十多歲的阿嬤與她的老公登上了光華雜誌的封面,令我感到非常開心也很有成就感。 第四次是在行冊與STUPIN一起合作的駐村。認識了藝術家賴舒勤也跟一位一樣是復興美工的同學相認。LIZ還邀請她一起餐與台北時裝周的展演,這次也因為這個機會讓自己跟更多不同的藝術家學會更多的溝通以及合作。 Q4: Please tell us the most challenging or interesting experience you have in your creating life. The most interesting experience I have so far would be the performance I did last year in Taipei Arts Festival. That's a performance by normal people but at the same time there're many different professional people in different fields on the stage. As a non-professional dancer to do a show is a pretty nervous thing. Because I'm good at making clothes but when it comes up with performance, since I was in the chorus in the elementary school, I never have the official performance in front of every one. That time I tried very hard to remember the English lyrics which I couldn't remember till the last moment. It's a very impressive experience, I feel like it's not just a show but more like I have family. 在你的創作經驗中,請分享一次最有挑戰或最有趣的經驗。 現在回想起來最有趣的創作應該是去年在表演中心的非跳不可的表演。 那是一個以素人為出發點的演出,但同時台上有非常多不同領域的專業者,從一個非專業舞者的身分去做一場表演其實是一件很令人緊張的事,因為做服裝是自己拿手的,但說起表演從國小在合唱團對著大家表演過就再也沒有一個正式的演出了。連上場的前一刻都還努力的背著背不起來的英文歌詞,那次經驗真的是讓人非常深刻,覺得不單純是一場演出而是多了一個家人的感覺。 Q5: Your healthy was changed since few years ago, can you share it with us what's the difference to your creations or ideas once you found out that your body situation wasn't 100% healthy anymore? I started to care more about eating. Because what you eat would make who you are. I also started to care about eco-friendly, when you have nothing by yourself, what could you provide to the environment? It helps me to get through the most depressed time in my life to be in mangrove, I usually walk from Dansui to Mangrove, the bird's sounds and the smell of natures influence me a lot. 看到你的身體前幾年有了變化,可以與我們分享在健康上亮起紅燈後,對你的創作有什麼改變或新的想法嗎? 開始對吃很有感吧。 因為你吃什麼身體就會回饋你什麼。 也開始對於環境友善跟在乎,因為當自己什麼都沒有的時候,你還可以給環境一些什麼? 紅樹林幫助我度過人生最低潮的時期,我常常從淡水走到紅樹林,一路上的鳥鳴與大自然散發出來的氣息都深深影響著我。 Q6: Where are your inspirations from? When you are lack of it, what would you do? When I don't have inspirations it's my happiest time, because when you are empty, things would go through inside of you. And I always have inspirations, it's kind of annoying, I need to learn to not think too many things, I feel my problem is thinking too much actually. 你生活中的創作靈感來源是什麼?在沒有靈感時會做什麼事? 沒靈感的時候是自己最開心的時候,因為放空才能讓東西放進來。 有靈感的時候是常常都有,所以其實很痛苦,常常要學著讓自己不去思考想太多事情,發現自己的職業病其實就是想太多。 Q7: If you could collaborate with someone, who would be that person? I want to work with Bjork or Su Yunying, if I could go back to the past, I would like to work with Echo ( A famous Chinese writer) or Xu Zhimo's ex wife Zhang Youyi, because she's an owner of a clothing store. 如果可以的話你最想和誰合作? 我想跟碧玉或是蘇運瑩,如果可以回到過去會是三毛或是徐志摩的前妻,因為她是一間服裝公司的老闆。 Q8:Who influences you the most? Why? I like to read a lot, the most influencer of my life would be a poet or one part of the book. Sometimes it might be a music or dancing event. I feel that dancer Yang Ya Ching is the person who influences me the most recently, because we keep each other company when we are both in the bottom of our life. 影響你最深的人或創作者是誰?為什麼? 我自己很喜歡看書,大部分影響我的是一段話或是一首詩,有時候可能是一場音樂或是舞蹈。 我覺得舞者楊雅鈞是最近影響我最深的人,因為我們在人生最低潮的時候互相陪伴了彼此。 Q9: What's your plans or dreams in the future? Please say something to people who also chase their dreams now. I hope all of you can take care of your bodies first when you chase your dreams, and learn to be a better person to the people surrounding you. My wish about this year is to be some people's benefactor, when I keep this faith on my mind, every time there're always some angels help me out. 未來有什麼計畫或夢想呢?請對那些追求自己目標的人說一句話。 我希望大家可以在追求夢想的同時先照顧好自己的身體,學會對自己身邊的人更好。 今年我自己的願望是成為別人的貴人,每次當有這個心念出現時,身邊總是圍繞著各種天使幫助我。
5/11/2020 Fabio River -台北與西班牙設計指南來自西班牙的Fabio擁有多重身份,平面設計師、雜誌出版者與DJ 曾在不同國家定居生活的他,目前在臺北落腳,愛上這座城市。 長期從事平面設計,決定自己出版一份獨立刊物與網站”River Taipei"介紹台北街頭的創意與設計。 並不時策劃西班牙設計師的展覽,將家鄉的文化注入這座城市。 近期也成立了自己的派對組織“Hidden Floor"不定期在台北各處舉辦音樂活動。 Q1: Please introduce yourself shortly, and tell us what are you doing in your life now? My name is Fabio I’m a graphic designer, promoter and Dj , based in Taipei right now while carrying different projects including a magazine called River Taipei, a design studio called Museo and a monthly House and Techno party called Hidden Floor. 請與我們介紹一下你自己,告訴我們你最近在做什麼。 我是Fabio, 一位平面設計師,活動推廣者以及DJ。 目前在台北定居,推廣不同計畫像是雜誌”River Taipei", 以及自己的設計工作室“Museo"還有每個月不定舉辦的Techno/House派對活動”Hidden Floor"。 Q2: Where are you from? What makes you move to Taipei? And do you think different places influenced you in a different way when you create your work? How so? I ́m from Canary Islands a group of islands on the south of Spain. After 4 years living in Barcelona and later 6 years living in London U.K. I decide to left everything behind and explore Asia a bit more. I visited Taiwan and in the first week here I already decided to stay. All this cities and experiences have definitely take a big influence on my work and the way I cope with life. 你從哪裡來的?是什麼原因讓你想搬到台北居住? 你覺得生活在不同地方這件事是如何以不同方式影響你創作你的作品?又是為什麼呢? 我來自西班牙南方的群島之一 : Canary Islands,曾在巴賽隆納住過4年,也在倫敦待過6年,我決定拋下一切前往亞洲探索更多。 我曾經在第一週造訪過台灣,然後我就決定在此居住。 所有待過的城市與經驗絕對都對我的創作有極大影響以及我應付生活的方式。 Q3: When did you start your Graphic Designer career? Why you wanted to make it at the first? Also now you are a DJ as well, what makes you want to be a DJ? And how do you balance the different identity? Back in 2005 I studied graphic design in Barcelona. As a teenager I was really into graffiti and design was a more professional extension of it. I didn’t work as a designer until I arrived to London. The Dj thing, to be honest I never wanted to be a Dj, I started more in the business side of the industry organizing little events. After the first two events I felt forced to learn how to Dj so I can understand more the work of the people I was bringing to play. Once I learnt how to do it I discovered that working with music can make you express feelings that are difficult to share just with visual work. 你是從什麼時候開始平面設計師生涯的?為什麼你一開始會想從事平面設計? 而你現在同時身為一位DJ,又是什麼讓你想成為DJ呢? 你是如何平衡不同角色身份? 2005年我在巴賽隆納就讀平面設計,在年輕時我真的對於塗鴉與設計非常有熱忱並想更專精於此。 在移居至倫敦之前我並沒有從事相關工作。關於DJ,我則是從未想過要成為一位DJ。我是一開始在工作上從事策劃相關小型活動,兩年過後我覺得如果自己懂得DJ相關知識,我可以在與相關人士工作時瞭解更多,像是他們如何作業。當我開始學習如何DJ後,我發現創造音樂能夠表達你的感受,這部分在視覺藝術上是比較難到達的層面。 Q4: How do you create your work? Where is your inspiration from? If you don’t have any inspiration, what would you do? Inspiration is always there, anything can spark the flame to start the fire. I am easy attracted to the rare and different, contemporary art is one of my favorite sources of inspiration, Paul McCarthy, Katharina Grosse or Synchrodogs are some of my favorites. I also believe is very powerful to switch from one field to another and mix inspirations. Sometimes the minimal movement of architecture can give you ideas for a food packaging or maybe the goth lettering of dark metal can be use for graffiti in the streets. 你是如何創作你的作品?你的靈感從何而來? 當你沒有靈感時,你會做什麼? 靈感到處都是,任何小事都可以點燃成為豐富靈感。我非常容易被不同當代藝術吸引,這是我最喜歡的靈感來源。 Paul McCarthy, Katharina Grosse 或是 Synchrodogs是我的最愛。 我同時相信從不同領域切換是非常有力的綜合靈感來源。 有時極簡的建築物可以帶給你點子,或是食物包裝,甚至哥德式字體的黑暗元素可以被用在街頭塗鴉上。 Q5: If you can collaborate with one person, who would be that person? Why? Anybody or anything completely different of what I do could be a good collaboration. I‘m always open to discover new fields. 如果你可以與任何人合作,誰會是你想合作的對象?為什麼? 任何人或任何事與我在從事的內容不同都會是個好的合作機會,我一直都對於探索新的領域保持開放態度。 Q6: Who inspires you the most so far in your life? Why? Family and friends are always there to support and this is very important, but I get inspire a lot by people I don’t personally know. Random people who pass near you in a moment of your life and you watch a situation. Is a good way to experience something without getting fully involve. A quick way to learn. 在你人生中誰影響你最深?為什麼? 家人和朋友們的支持永遠非常重要,但是我從不認識的人身上得到的靈感最深。 在你生活的某一刻及狀況隨意在你身邊出現的人們,不完全介入你的世界,是一個很好體驗一些事情的方式,這是一個很快的學習方法。 Q7: What’s your new plan in the future(Near future)? Right now all future plans are very uncertain, but all my plans have been uncertain since the beginning, so not clear plans for a near future. Trying to get better and different in everything I’m working right now and keep learning. 你近期的新計畫是什麼? 目前所有計劃都非常不確定,但是我所有的計劃在一開始都是不確定的,所以沒有任何近期計畫。 試著增進與變化不同我在做的事情以及持續學習。
5/6/2020 Melon - 2D至3D的想像空間Melon是位充滿天馬行空想像力的設計師,大學時就讀平面設計科系,也從事過平面設計師。 之後輾轉進入空間設計的世界,但不乏從作品中窺見她色彩美學與豐富的創造力。 目前與好友成立了一間空間設計工作室”45tilt 肆伍形物所“,並持續探索生活。 在她的眼中可以看到像是電影場景般的繽紛樣貌,我時常在想她的創意靈感到底從何而來? 這次與她的對談中也獲得不少收穫! Q1: 請簡單介紹一下你的過往工作經驗以及你目前在做的事情。 商業設計系畢,平面設計公司待一年後,轉至室內&建築設計公司, 目前與夥伴一起成立了45tilt肆伍形物所,希望透過室內設計的專業,與頻率相同的人打交道。 Q2:當時為什麼會想就讀設計科系? 小時候很喜歡畫畫,念書不在行,因此偷懶,大學就決定考有興趣的美術設計相關科系, 但其實當時對各個設計科系在學什麼也不了解,就按照分數高低填一輪,現在想想也是有點誤打誤撞的讀了設計系。 Q3:是什麼樣的契機下讓你與朋友成立了目前的工作室? 又是如何從平面設計跨領域至室內設計呢? 公司合夥夥伴Ann是一個天生的設計師,而我並不覺得自己在設計上像他那麼突出,但我喜歡去觀察客戶,從他們身上去發想一些有趣的點子,使作品具有自己獨特個性,剛好當時我們差不多時間離開各自公司,就嘗試合作,無論專長個性都有所互補,配合起來也有默契,慢慢從工作室邊摸索邊成長,就這樣將公司成立了。 在平面設計公司工作時,公司並不常讓設計師直接接觸到客戶,當時會覺得自己設計出來的東西沒有核心故事或客戶個性,成品大同小異,沒成就感;而因為室內設計好像能更直接接觸到”人”,就有想轉換到這領域,而很幸運,當時公司前輩耳聞後,就介紹了一間室內設計的老闆給我認識,對方也願意提供我從零學習的機會,因此到現在就一直在室設領域中了,好像也是誤打誤撞的跨了領域,但真心感謝那時願意收留我的公司。 Q4:在工作室的經驗中,請分享一次最有挑戰或最有趣的案子經驗。 西門的飾品門市-台北精華地帶的租金是不可思議的高,客戶必定要求最大值的坪效,那個專案僅有7坪,要怎麼讓一間非常小的店面,能有良好的購物動線、充足陳列量、並能在眾多商家林立的一級戰區中吸引人進去? 我們先將客戶品牌跟西門町的TA特性抓出來-年輕又富創造力,因此決定打造一個高飽和度的活潑空間; 並賦予他主題-飾品運動館,將室內陳列道具跟運動館相關造型融合,讓消費者會覺得這個空間有趣,進而想一探究竟,並搭配鮮豔的黃色及藍色,讓小小的店面馬上在舊街廓中脫穎而出; 最後拍攝完工照時,因為空間小,若以一般空間拍攝的角度去看,其實幾張照片就囊括完所有的角度,因此我們換個方向,當成一個商業攝影案思考,安排適合的model,並準備了運動相關道具,運用中近景或不同的視覺角度,呈現出有趣的畫面,這樣的轉換,反而讓空間主題更加凸顯,再加上專業的攝影團隊,讓完工照有很好的效果,而這個案子很幸運的,最後也在國際設計獎上獲得不錯的成績。 Q5:如果可以的話你最想和誰合作?(不限領域與知名度)為什麼?想做什麼合作計畫? 沒有特別設定,當初成立公司,就是希望我們能藉由自己專業的領域,去認識更多有相同頻率的人,從中找到可以一起合作的事情,一個可以跟很多不同專業工作者配合的專案,都會是我想合作的計畫。 Q6:影響你最深的人或創作者是誰?為什麼? 我倒覺得影響比較深的是工作離職後的幾次旅行。 第一次是環印度/第二次是西班牙徒步走朝聖之路,兩次旅行都約離開台灣2-3個月, 出發的原因是對當時工作的疲乏,一個背包跟最低限度的旅費就出發了,旅程的步調相對讓人緩慢下來,有很多跟自己對話的時間,長途旅行一趟就像將自己重新歸零;或許萬物自然就是最強的創作者吧,雖然不會明確的在旅行中感覺到自己具體被改變了什麼,但卻似有若無的在你人生刻劃了一筆。 Q7: 未來有什麼計畫或夢想呢?請對那些追求自己目標的人說一句話。 自己開公司後就知道賺錢有多辛苦,所以未來夢想當炒股大師(?)哈哈哈。 - 有目標追求是一件很幸福的事情,無論目標大或小,理想或是世俗,請好好珍惜不要輕言放棄,因為我覺得世上一半的人都沒有目標,有目標的人就是閃耀到不行。